Tuesday, March 5, 2019


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                                          The Shifting Definition of Worker Loyalty

I chose this article because it relates to Brutus and his choice of killing Caesar. Brutus continues to say that he and Caesar had a friendship and that they loved each other. He said he trusted Caesar and he's never done harm to him. But when it came time for Caesar to put his trust in Brutus, Brutus decided that "protecting Rome" was much more important than his friendship with Caesar. 

Quote of the week:

"That I did love thee, Caesar, O tis true. If then thy spirit look upon us now, shall it not grieve thee dearer than thy death to see thy Antony making his peace, shaking the bloody fingers of thy foes?"


I think that the quote is Antony is saying that he will avenge Caesar. Caesar's spirit will be satisfied because Antony will do harm to the people that he felt like not only committed treason, but betrayed Caesar as well. 

Personal Connection

Unlike the "QotW" or the article, I am and have been very loyal. I'm loyal to the people I love: family and friends. As well as my favorite singers and rappers: buying their merch, attending their concerts, streaming their music, etc. Although I have loyalty to these people, I can still call them out on things they've done that I and other people see as "problematic".