Sunday, February 24, 2019


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                                                  How Power Corrupts the Mind

The article relates to power because it describes Brutus' concern. He believes that Caesar will become corrupt the second he puts the crown on his head. The article says that when people are powerful or powerless they start to develop opinions of others. Like for example, people in power, no matter the position, perceive others as less than or small.

Quote of the week:

"He would be crowned. How that might change his nature, there's the question. It is the bright day that brings forth the adder and that craves wary walking. Crown him that, and I then grant we put a sting in him that at his will he may do danger with."


 The quote is saying that they won't know whether or not Caesar will stay the same once he becomes king. Crowning him king is a big risk and doing so is asking for something bad to happen. The quote relates to the theme of the week because it talks about how Caesar will handle power. Whether or not he'll change the way he treats people and what decisions he'll make. 

Personal Connection

 At the age of thirteen, my mom got me a credit card. I would mostly use it on petty stuff like phone cases and lip balms. Sooner or later, my mom found out how much I was spending and put me on a limit of how much I could spend. I was given fifty dollars a month and couldn't go past it, or it would come out of my allowance the next month.  My experience relates to the "QotW" because I was given something that was easy to abuse and I took advantage of it. 

Thursday, February 14, 2019


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                  Kamala Harris: young, black, female – and the Democrats’ best bet for 2020?

       The Article relates to the theme: ambition, because it talks about a woman running for president. We live in a country that's never had a woman president, not to mention a black, women president, so announcing her presidency is extremely ambitious and motivating.

Quote of the week:

"Let me have men about me that are fat, sleek-headed men, and such as sleep a-nights. Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look; he thinks too much: such men are dangerous"

The quote is saying that men who are ambitious are more dangerous than men who sit around and are fat and are nonchalant. Men who strive to do things and are motivated are a threat to Caesar and aren't the type of people he wants to recruit. If the men who are behind him and are the "help" become independent and start doing great things, they could outshine him. 

Personal Connection

During the beginning of middle school, I participated in track and field. Although it was my first time, I felt inferior and slower than everyone else. I wanted to get better and be able to seem competitive in the track meets and to the other athletes, so I did extra practice and went to track meets on my own, without the team. It helped me and I was able to place in many categories. My experience doesn't relate to the "QotW" nor the article, but it does involve my desire to achieve something and get better. 

Sunday, February 10, 2019

  My name is Haniyah Hakim, I'm in tenth grade and I like to express myself through painting and drawing, my favorite color is pink, and I'm an Ariana Grande stan.